Generation Miner, created by Charles Schwartz, is a suite of tools that join
the power of Genergraphics® and behavioral research with generational marketing.
It takes into account differences in life experience that shape the values of each
generation -- differences which profoundly affect the way their members live and
consume. It gives the marketer a handle on what products and services baby boomers,
gen-xers, and other generational groups buy and why they buy them.
Generation Miner goes beyond simple generational differences. It identifies
subgroups within each of the generations -- groups that share many values and attitudes
with others of their generation, but whose members may have different purchase patterns
and consumer needs.
With Generation Miner you can:
• Position your product to reach new age groups by appealing to their core
values and needs.
• Identify strong market segments within each generation based on differences
in actual consumer behavior.
• Determine future demand in a dynamic marketplace as baby boomers mature and
generation x'ers enter their prime earning years.
• Reposition your products to meet the needs and expectations of new generations
as they transition into your market's target age range.
• Enhance cross-sell opportunities by knowing the entire market basket of goods
and services used by different segments within each of the generations.